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with 3 rugrats, an army guy and me...

oh and don't forget Kosmo :)

July 05, 2008

Jakes Cake!!

This year I decided to do Jakes cake as a real one you could buy in the store and this is what I came up with :)

The start of Jakes frosting for his cake :)

The first frosting step in a buttercream transfer.

Now we are cruising along.

HMMMMM Is this really gonna work???

WOOOHOOOO The transfer worked!!!!


WOOHOOOO The final product!!! It was SOOOO good too!!!


My Two Army Brats said...

WOW Ami I'm so impressed! Great work! I have never heard of a buttercream transfer before very cool!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

wow cool cake! Happy birthday Jake!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

thanks for the info on the steam shark I may have to try it... got to do some juggeling of the finances... no really I just need to go back to work... uggggg again thanks I have a BBB not too far from here so will have to check it out. I have some fantastic pics of the water lilys will have to post some for you... or better still check out the archives ...I have a couple fixen to bloom too so hopefully I will have some different colors :D that quilt is so well made that it will have to wait until winter it was SUFFOCATING the one night we attempted to sleep with it! grins I am pleased it turned out great!
thanks again

Peasblog said...

HOLY cow that's amazing how did you do that??? LOL