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From 2005 |
April 24, 2009
Flashback Friday...
Posted by AmersP at 1:42 PM 1 comments
April 23, 2009
A Look Back...
"Hmmm Where To Next???
Well here we go. The fun starts now LOL. Things are actually going great here in Georgia. I just really wish that we knew where we were going next. It is driving me crazy not knowing what the Army is about to throw our way. I mean come on now can't you plan things more then 2 weeks in advance???? November will be here before we know it and Josh will no longer be a drill sgt. Now don't get me wrong...I don't like this job...... but I have seen more of my darling husband in the last 2 years then I have the first 6 years of our time together!!!!! Not to mention that extra $$ is nice :) I can sit here and say "Yep I am ok with deployments and seperations" and for the most part I am. But Dang I have grown attached to Josh LOL. Anyways, so we are waiting for what our lives are going to be like next. I am thinking it is going to be the kids and I here while he heads off to play in a sandbox like his 2 yr old LOL. I guess Michelle and I will have to drive and visit b/c we will both be in the same boat for a few months LOL. Life now is full of baseball and softball and more baseball and softball LOL. We are keeping very very busy between JT and Savannah and it is making time fly. I can't even imagine what it will be like when Jake starts AAAHHH...Like Leslie said, I will need a rent-a-mommy."
Wow!!! Little did I know that a couple tryouts and an extension would be put in place LOL. Amazing how much can change in a year! Yep I have been blogging for a year...absolutely amazing hahahaha. We are back to baseball and softball and well I NEED A RENT-A-MOMMY!!!!!! LOL...and here we are facing that deployment. Hmmm...am I still ok with it ? I can now honestly say "BRING IT ON!" I am now ready for it and no it is on its way...no more waiting for those silly Army orders..just the silly Army date!
Posted by AmersP at 12:03 AM 3 comments
April 22, 2009
What a Week!!!
Well here all this time I thought I would have tons more time to blog after Josh left....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Was I wrong!!! I have been so busy I haven't had time to really even comprehend what has all gone on. From PTA fundraisers to baseball to Birthday Parties it has been very chaotic. I have decided that I am going to slow down though. With school, kids, work, ball, and now yards and housework something has to give. The only thing would be my housework :)...oh wait that is my dream...reality is that work is going to have to be put on hold for awhile. I am looking forward to getting things in order and getting a strong routine going here (just in time to mess it all up by getting out of school hehehe).
We are all hanging in there and returning to what was once our normal lives. Amazing how you fall back into the old routines and don't really realize how much you missed bits and pieces of it!!! Like my bed to myself, the fact that cereal for dinner is enough for the kids and I, and of course the fact that I have COMPLETE and TOTAL control over the remote!!!!
Now as for this last week here are just a few pictures to share!
From Rex's Birthday |
From Rex's Birthday |
From Rex's Birthday |
From Rex's Birthday |
JT has decided that he has an interest in photography (surprise surprise LOL)...here are some pics he took...
From Rex's Birthday |
From Rex's Birthday |
This next week will be filled with more baseball and maybe some playing LOL and LOTS of yardwork...I will have to make sure and charge my camera batteries!!!!
Posted by AmersP at 9:13 PM 1 comments
April 13, 2009
Well the time has come...
Josh has finally left. In a way it is nice to have our schedule started, but I know that as the next couple of weeks go on it will get a lot harder before it gets easier. Having him 16 hours away is frustrating because it is too far for a weekend trip, but close enough to drive me crazy that he is still in the States LOL. The kids did really well. We kept them home from school because we didn't know how Savannah would do. Yesterday she broke down in the middle of a bite of French Toast at Breakfast... so who knew what she would do today. Turns out she was ok. JT well he just says he is really bummed but will be ok. Jake...now that is the one that is going to be tough. He had a rough day with attitude because he knew something was going on. He says he lost Dad and he can't find him-even though he has talked to him on the phone LOL. Crazy how little kids minds work. I heard him asking JT if he would be home tomorrow and listened to JT explain to him it would be a long long time...oh the words of JT..so comforting...I am a very lucky Mom to have a child with the wisdom and words that he does. Josh will be arriving to Riley soon...I am waiting for the call...still a couple more hours to go LOL. Our next chapter has officially begun and I can't wait to see what adventures it is going to hold. I know it will have lots of trips to visit Margaux. I can't wait to see what adventures our kids will get into!!! I am so blessed to have her as one of my best friends. I only hope that I can repay her the favor of putting up w/ my crazies and our visits!!! Oh yes and we have a trip home in the works!!! WOOHOOO TIME FOR THE LAKE!!! Forget family...we don't go home to see family..we go home to ski, board, and boat for days on end LOL.
Our Most Precious Moments Over The Last Few Weeks
From Zoo March 09 |
From Zoo March 09 |
From Savannah |
Posted by AmersP at 11:15 PM 3 comments
Easter Fun
From Easter 09 |
So hard at work...
From Easter 09 |
How dare my hands get dirty!!!
From Easter 09 |
Savannahs favorite egg...
From Easter 09 |
JTs egg....
From Easter 09 |
Even Daddy had fun!!!
From Easter 09 |
This is what happens when the boys decide they are done doing eggs...
From Easter 09 |
From Easter 09 |
Our Eggs
From Easter 09 |
Posted by AmersP at 11:08 PM 1 comments
Well JT has started ball too...I posted pics of Savannah but not him...that is because I hadn't gone to any games until this last week!!! Here are some from last week....
From JT Baseball 09 |
Getting Ready
From JT Baseball 09 |
Catching a Pop Fly!!!! Look at that form...as Curt says...perfect hahahahaha...Daddy taught him well...
From JT Baseball 09 |
My sweet baby is growing up too fast!!!
Posted by AmersP at 11:04 PM 1 comments
Atlanta Aquarium Trip!!!
A couple of weeks ago we headed to Atlanta for a family trip. We had a wonderful time hanging out and spending time together. The kids had a blast...except for the fact that they think we tried to starve them while we were there :) We refused to feed them at the food court and they were most definitely starving by the time we left!!!!
From Aquarium |
Visiting the Jellyfish...
From Aquarium |
A Cute Fish saying Hi...
From Aquarium |
Whale Shark
From Aquarium |
Manta Ray
From Aquarium |
Touch Pools!!! He had to almost go swimming himself to reach LOL.
From Aquarium |
Getting ready for the 4D show!!! That was Jake's favorite part :)
From Aquarium |
Watching fish....we could have sat there all day!!!
From Aquarium |
So Sweet
Posted by AmersP at 10:52 PM 1 comments
April 03, 2009
Just A Quick Update...
Well we are one week and 2 days away from saying goodbye. Yep it is almost time to say goodbye to the love of my life. Time has flown by. I will post pictures of all our adventures after he has gone. For now we are all enjoying our last days together as much as possible. We now know that he won't be able to return home until block leave before the deployment which will be sometime in June/early July. As JT says not a big deal just another deployment...we will be ok. He is trying so hard to be strong but I know he is hurting like never before. Savannah well she has been sleeping with us and snuggling her dad every night for the last week and wakes up every morning and counts down the days. Jake...well he really has NO clue. I just wanted to let you all know that we are all still here, just trying to spend lots of family time together and spend quality time before the fun begins.
Posted by AmersP at 9:53 PM 4 comments